Sixt Vouchercode for 30 percent

Sixt voucher quick and easy to use

You have chosen the right rental car and now you would like to book, but there is no input field for a voucher at all? That is annoying, because you would like to take the discount after all. To redeem a voucher from Sixt is not so easy. However, this is no reason to worry, because I will show you in this article how it works.

Where do I enter the Sixt voucher code?

You can easily enter the Sixt voucher code during the booking process. However, the possibility exists only in the last step, on the page where you enter your personal data and payment details. As soon as you click on the “REDEEM” button and your code is valid, the amount of your voucher will be automatically deducted from the amount of your planned rental. Fortunately, vouchers at Sixt, are not cash-back vouchers. Therefore, no tiresome waiting for payouts of the voucher amount is necessary.

Voucher inputfield on website

There is no voucher code field displayed to enter

You are probably reading this guide on how to redeem a voucher at Sixt because you don’t see a voucher code field to enter on the website. Basically, you can enter a voucher for any car rental booking, but you have to choose the right rate. Not every rate allows you to redeem a voucher at Sixt. Currently, vouchers are only redeemable in the tariff “PAY LATER”.

You can click on the rate directly after selecting your rental car. This rate is unfortunately a few dollars more expensive, but also brings you a decisive advantage.

Pay Later Option on Sixt website

Even though this option is a bit more expensive than the “PAY NOW” selection, you can redeem your voucher here. If you navigate to the payment process with this selection, the field for entering the voucher code will be displayed. In addition, you can cancel the “PAY LATER” rate at any time free of charge, which gives you a lot more flexibility. This is why we always recommend to book this option.

One comment

  1. Thx for these explanations. This is a great support for me when booking from Sixt for the first time.

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